
(Un)Common Star Names

All through the night, your glorious eyes
Were gazing down in mine,
And, with a full heart's thankful sighs,
I blessed that watch divine.
— Emily Bronte, "Stars", 1846

What's in a Name?

Stars have many names. Throughout the ages, people have devised numbering or lettering systems to identify stars within a constellation. A given star may have a different designation in every catalogue in which it appears. However, in addition to all of these identifiers, some of the brighter stars have proper names as well; names like Arcturus or Polaris or Rigel or Sirius or Vega. Most of these names have been handed down from antiquity via Arab astronomers but a few have been coined as recently as the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. The names vary from culture to culture, the spellings are often inconsistent and sometimes the meanings are obscure.

Please note that only the International Astronomical Union external link has the authority to name celestial objects and they do not sell names to the public.

Alternative Names

Many of the stars appearing in the IAU-approved list originally had other names which were used in times past. Other stars still await an officially sanctioned title.

NameDesignationOfficial Name(s)DerivationMeaningSources
Abhijit α Lyr, β Lyr, ζ Lyr Sheliak (β), Vega (α) [Sanskrit] the victorious 4
Achr al Achbiya ζ Aqr akhir al‑khibāʾ [Arabic] the last tent 3
Adfar Aldib ω Dra, 27 Dra aẓfār al‑dhiʾb [Arabic] the claws of the wolf 4,7,9
Aggia η Oph, θ Oph, ξ Oph Sabik (η) [Coptic] the magician 4,7
Akfa Farkadain ζ UMi akhfā al‑farqadān [Arabic] the dim one of the two calves 4,7
Al Adud δ Per, ε Per, ν Per al‑aḍdud al‑thurayyā [Arabic] the upper arm of al‑Thurayyā 9
Al Aghnam κ Cep, π Cep al‑aghnām [Arabic] the flock of sheep 4,7
Alahakan ψ¹ Dra, χ Dra Dziban (ψ¹) al‑ʿawhaqān [Arabic] the two black bulls 4,7,9
Al Anisan α Ari, β Ari Mothallah (α) al‑anīsān [Arabic] the two companions 9
Albulan ε Aqr, μ Aqr, ν Aqr Albali (ε) al-bāliʿ [Arabic] the swallower 4,7
Al Butain ε Ari, ζ Ari, π Ari, ρ Ari al‑buṭayn [Arabic] the belly 4,7
Al Dafirah γ Com al‑ḍafīra [Arabic] the tuft of hair in the tail of the lion 4,7,9
Al Dayqa κ1–2 Tau, υ Tau al‑ḍayqa [Arabic] the narrows 9
Al Dhira γ Per, η Per, τ Per Miram (η) al‑dhirāʿ [Arabic] the forearm of al‑Thurayyā 9
Al Faqar ε Sco, ζ1–2 Sco, η Sco, θ Sco, ι1–2 Sco, κ Sco, μ1–2 Sco Larawag (ε), Pipirima (μ²), Sargas (θ), Xamidimura (μ¹) al‑faqār [Arabic] the segments 9
Algenubi ε Leo raʾas ul‑asad ul‑janūbiy [Arabic] the southern star in the head of the lion 4,7
Alhaud θ UMa, τ UMa, υ UMa, φ UMa, 15 UMa, 18 UMa, 23 UMa al‑ḥauḍ [Arabic] the pond 4,7
Al Hayya α Dra, κ Dra, λ Dra, 10 Dra Giausar (λ), Thuban (α) al‑ḥayya [Arabic] the serpent 9
Alhiba λ Aur, μ Aur, σ Aur al‑khibāʾ [Arabic] the tent 4,7
Al Jabhah η Leo al‑jabha [Arabic] the forehead 4,7
Al Kaff al Jidhmah δ Cet, μ Cet, ξ1–2 Cet al‑kaff al‑jadhmāʾ [Arabic] the part of a hand 4,7
Alkafzah χ UMa al‑qafza al‑thālitha [Arabic] the third leap of the gazelles 4,7
Alkalbain κ1–2 Tau, υ Tau, φ Tau, χ Tau al‑kalbān [Arabic] the two dogs 4,7,9
Al Kidr θ Cep al‑qidr [Arabic] the pot 4,7
Alkiladah ψ Sgr al‑kilāda [Arabic] the necklace 4,7
Al Kumm ο1–2 Ori al‑kumm [Arabic] the sleeve 4,7
Al Mabid σ Per al‑maʾbiḍ [Arabic] the pit of the elbow of al‑Thurayyā 9
Al Malaf γ Crt, δ Crt, ε Crt, ζ Crt, η Cet, θ Crt al‑maʾlaf [Arabic] the manger 9
Al Marfak μ Cas al‑mirfaq [Arabic] the elbow 4,7
Almizan δ Aql, η Aql, θ Aql Antinous (θ) al‑mīzān [Arabic] the scale-beam 4,7
Al Nasaq ι Her al‑nasaq [Arabic] the boundary 9
Al Naymat θ Cet, τ Cet, υ Cet al‑naʿāmāt [Arabic] the hen ostriches 4,7,9
Alnitham φ1–4 Cet al‑niẓām [Arabic] the string of pearls 4,7
Alanisan α Ari, β Ari Mothallah (α) al‑anīsān [Arabic] the two companions 9
Alrial β Phe, γ Phe, κ Phe, μ Phe, ν Phe al‑riʾāl [Arabic] the young ostriches 4,7,9
Al Sabyk al Aoul ζ Oph as‑sābiq al‑awwal [Arabic] the first preceding one 3
Alsad ζ Aqr al‑saʿad [Arabic] the fortunate 4,7
Al Salib ε Del al‑ʿamūd al‑ṣalīb [Arabic] the pillar of the cross 4,7
Al Sharasif β Hya, κ Hya al‑sharāsīf [Arabic] the tethered camels 4,7,9
Al Suradan α Ind, α Pav Peacock (α) al‑ṣuradān [Arabic] the two shrikes 9
Al Taj π1–2,4–6 Ori al‑tāj [Arabic] the crown 4,7
Al Thalimain ι Aql, λ Aql al‑thalīmain [Arabic] the two ostriches 4,7
Althiba ο UMa, π UMa, ρ UMa, σ UMa, 2 UMa, 24 UMa Muscida (ο) al‑ẓibāʾ [Arabic] the gazelles 4,7,9
Aludhi ρ1–3 Eri al‑udḥā al‑naʿām [Arabic] the ostrich nest 4,7,9
Al Ukud α Del, β Del, γ Del, δ Del Rotanev (β), Sualocin (α) al‑ʿuqūd [Arabic] the pearls 4,7
Alwaid β Dra, γ Dra, μ Dra, ν Dra, ξ Dra Alrakis (μ), Eltanin (γ), Grumium (ξ), Rastaban (β) al‑ʿawāʾidh [Arabic] the mother camels 4,7,9
Al Zara ο² CMa al‑ʿadhārā [Arabic] the maiden 4,7
Anthelme's Star CK Vul a possible 'red nova' (stellar merger), discovered by V. Anthelme in 1670
Anwa Farkadain η UMi anwār al‑farqadān [Arabic] the lights of the two calves 4,7
Aoul al Naamet η Cet awwal al‑naʿām [Arabic] the first ostrich 3
Aoul al Sadirah φ Sgr awwal al‑naʿām al‑ṣādira [Arabic] the first returning ostrich 3
Argelander's Second Star Gliese 411 a star with a high proper motion, discovered by F.W. Argelander in 1857
Argelander's Star Groombridge 1830 a star with a high proper motion, discovered by F.W. Argelander in 1841 4
Arsh al Jauzah α Lep, β Lep, γ Lep, δ Lep Arneb (α), Nihal (β) ʿarsh al‑jawzāʾ [Arabic] the throne of al‑Jawzāʾ 4,7,9
Athafi σ Dra, τ Dra, υ Dra Alsafi (σ) al‑athāfī [Arabic] the trivet stones 4,7,9
Athafi α Lyr, ε1–2 Lyr, ζ¹ Lyr Vega (α) al‑athāfī al‑qidr [Arabic] the trivet stones 4,9
Athafi λ Ori, φ1‐2 Ori Meissa (λ) al‑athāfī [Arabic] the trivet stones 4,9
Athfar μ Lyr al‑aṭhfār [Arabic] the talons 4,7
Atik ζ Per, ο Per Atik (ο) al‑ʿātiq ath‑thurayyā [Arabic] the shoulder blade of al‑Thurayyā (with ο Per) 6,7,8
Aulad Alnathlat ψ Boo al‑awlād al‑nadhlāt [Arabic] the mean little ones 4,7
Aulad Althiba θ Boo, ι Boo, κ Boo, λ Boo Xuange (λ) awlād al‑ḍibāʿ [Arabic] the wolf cubs 4,9
Azfar Aldhib ω Dra, 27 Dra aẓfār al‑ḍibāʿ [Arabic] the claws of the wolf 4,9
Ba ε Ser [Chinese] an ancient Chinese state 2,4
Babcock's Star VL Lac a star with an unusually large magnetic field, discovered by H.W. Babcock in 1960
Baigua ε Del, η Del, θ Del, ι Del, κ Del Aldulfin (ε) bài guā [Chinese] the rotten gourd 2,4
Becklin‑Neugebauer Object V2254 Ori an infrared source in the Orion Nebula, discovered by E.E. Becklin and G. Neugebauer in 1965
Bessel's Star 61 Cyg a nearby star whose parallax was measured by F.W. Bessel in 1838
Bidelman's Helium Variable Star V761 Cen a magnetic helium variable emission-line star, discovered by W.P. Bidelman in 1965
Bidelman's Peculiar Star KS Per an extreme helium star, discovered by W.P. Bidelman in 1950
Blaze Star T CrB a recurrent nova which reached magnitude +2.5 in 1866 4,7
Bodu 95 Her, 102 Her bó dù [Chinese] the textile ruler
Bond's Flare Star AF Psc a flare star, discovered by H.E. Bond in 1976
Boyajian's Star, Tabby's Star KIC 8462852 a star with a strange irregular light curve, discovered by T.S. Boyajian and others in 2016
Bulqayn τ Pup bulqayn [Arabic] 9
Butler's Flare Star a flare star, discovered by C.J. Butler in 1966
Caffau's Star SDSS J102915.14+172927.9 an ancient ultra-metal-poor star, discovered by E. Caffau in 2011
Calx μ Gem calx [Latin] the heel 4,7
Campbell's Star HD 184738 a Wolf-Rayet star, discovered by W.W. Campbell in 1898
Cayrel's Star BD−16 251 an ancient ultra-metal-poor star, discovered by R. Cayrel with others in 2001
Ce γ Cas [Chinese] the whip 2,4
α Lep, β Lep, γ Lep, δ Lep Arneb (α), Nihal (β) [Chinese] the toilet 2,4
Ceginus φ Boo corrupted transliteration of the Greek name for Boötes 4,7
Chanal's Object V1118 Ori an LX Lupi-type pre-main-sequence star, discovered by R. Chanal in 1983
Changsha ζ Crv Cháng Shā [Chinese] an ancient Chinese state 2,4
Chesi υ Oph, 20 Oph chē sì [Chinese] the commodity market
Cheqi ζ Lup, ρ Lup, σ Lup chē qí [Chinese] the chariots and cavalry
Chevremont's Star a variable star in globular cluster M2, discovered by A. Chevremont in 1897
Chu α Ara chū [Chinese] the pestle 2,4
Chu φ Cap Chŭ [Chinese] an ancient Chinese state
Circitores ε UMi circitores [Latin] the circlers 4,7
Congguan 92 Leo cóng guān [Chinese] the retinue 2
Dabih Minor β² Cap saʿd al‑dhābiḥ / minor [Arabic/Latin] the lesser lucky star of the slaughterer 1,4,7
Dahlgren's Nova V533 Her a nova, discovered by E. Dahlgren in 1963
Deneb Algenubi η Cet dhanab ul‑janūbiy [Arabic] the southern tail 4,7
Deneb Okab ε Aql, ζ Aql dhanab al‑oḳāb [Arabic] the tail of the eagle 4,5,7
Dhanishta α Del, β Del, γ² Del, δ Del Rotanev (β), Sualocin (α) [Sanskrit] the most famous 4
Djenubi Djebha al Asad η Leo ul‑janūbiy al‑jabha al‑asad [Arabic] the southern star in the forehead of the lion 3
Djenubi Menkib al Nesr δ Aql ul‑janūbiy al‑mankib al‑nasr [Arabic] the southern shoulder of the vulture 3
Djenubi Ras al Asad ε Leo ul‑janūbiy raʾas ul‑asad [Arabic] the southern star in the head of the lion 3,4
Dolones ψ1–9 Aur, 16 Lyn dolones [Latin] the pike 4,7
Donghai η Ser dōng hăi [Chinese] the eastern sea 2,4
Dongxian φ Oph, χ Oph, ψ Oph, ω Oph dōng xián [Chinese] the eastern door 2,4
Douxiu ζ Sgr, λ Sgr, μ Sgr, σ Sgr, τ Sgr, φ Sgr Ascella (ζ), Kaus Borealis (λ), Nunki (σ), Polis (μ) dŏu xiù [Chinese] the dipper mansion 2
Dunwan φ² Lup dùn wán [Chinese] the trials 2
Dzaneb al Samkat ω Psc dhanab al‑samaka [Arabic] the tail of the fish 3
Elacrab γ Sco al‑ʿaqrab [Arabic] the scorpion 4,5
Fekhyz al Djathih  al Aisr ι Her al‑fakhidh ul‑jāthi lʾaysar [Arabic] the thigh of the kneeler 3
Fenmu δ Aqr, ζ Aqr, η Aqr, π Aqr Sadachbia (δ) fén mù [Chinese] the tomb 2
Fuer σ² Tau Fù Ĕr [Chinese] the whisper 2
Fum al Faras ν Peg fum al‑faras [Arabic] the mouth of the horse 4,7
Fum al Hut β PsA fum al‑ḥūt [Arabic] the mouth of the southern fish 4,7
Garafsa θ Oph [Persian] the serpent tamer 4,7
Gedao δ Cas, ε Cas, ι Cas, μ Cas, ν Cas, ο Cas Ruchbah (δ), Segin (ε) gé dào [Chinese] the flying corridor
Genghe ε Boo, ρ Boo, σ Boo, Izar (ε) gĕng hé [Chinese] the celestial lance 2,4
Girtab ι Sco GIR.TAB [Sumerian] the scorpion 4,7
Gorgonea Quarta ο Per gorgonea quarta [Latin] the (fourth star in the) head of the Gorgon 4,7
Gorgonea Secunda π Per gorgonea secunda [Latin] the (second star in the) head of the Gorgon 4,7
Gorgonea Tertia ρ Per gorgonea tertia [Latin] the (third star in the) head of the Gorgon 4,7
Gouchen α UMi, δ UMi, ε UMi, ζ UMi, 2 UMi Polaris (α), Yildun (δ) gōu chén [Chinese] the curved array 2,4
Gouyin ω1–2 Sco gōu yín [Chinese] the lock 2,4
Grassias ξ Sco γραψαῖος [Greek] the crab 4,7
Guansuo α CrB, β CrB, γ CrB, δ CrB, ε CrB, θ CrB, ι CrB, π CrB, ρ CrB Alphecca (α), Nusakan (β) guàn suŏ [Chinese] the coiled throng 2,4
Gui γ Ara, δ Ara, ε¹ Ara, ζ Ara, η Ara guī [Chinese] the tortoise
Han 35 Cap Hàn [Chinese] an ancient Chinese state
Hasta α Crv, β Crv, γ Crv, δ Crv, ε Crv Alchiba (α), Algorab (δ), Gienah (γ), Kraz (β) hásta [Sanskrit] the hand 4
Hejian γ Her hé jīn [Chinese] between the river 4
Heka φ¹ Ori al‑haqʿa [Arabic] the hair whorl 4,7,8,9
Heng μ Cen, ν Cen, φ Cen, χ Cen héng [Chinese] the railings
Herschel's Ruby Star RT Cap a carbon star observed by J.F. Herschel
Hika φ² Ori al‑haqʿa [Arabic] the hair whorl 4,7,8,9
Hind's Crimson Star R Lep a red carbon star observed by J.R. Hind 4,7
Hougong 4 UMi hòu gōng [Chinese] the imperial harem 2,4
Huben 72 Leo hŭ bēn [Chinese] the emperor's bodyguard 2
Hugua α Del, β Del, γ Del, δ Del, ζ Del Rotanev (β), Sualocin (α) hù guā [Chinese] the gourd 2,4
Hulse‑Taylor Pulsar PSR 1913+16 a binary pulsar, discovered by R.A. Hulse and J.H. Taylor in 1974
Ibrat Al Mirfak ψ Per ibrat al‑mirfaq [Arabic] the tip of the elbow of al‑Thurayyā 9
Innes' Star GJ 422 a star with a high proper motion, discovered by R.T.A. Innes in 1920
Isis μ CMa Isis [Egyptian] the name of the Egyptian goddess 4,7
Jabhat Acrabi ω1–2 Sco jabhat al‑ʿaqrab [Arabic] the forehead of the scorpion 4,7
Jian ξ² Sgr, ο Sgr, π Sgr, ρ¹ Sgr, υ Sgr, 43 Sgr Albaldah (π) jiàn [Chinese] the establishment 2
Jiantai β Lyr, γ Lyr, δ² Lyr, ι Lyr Sheliak (β), Sulafat (γ) jiàn tái [Chinese] the clepsydra terrace 2,4
Jin 36 Cap Jìn [Chinese] an ancient Chinese state 2,4
Jishi π Per jī shī [Chinese] the piled-up corpses 2
Jishui λ Per jī shuĭ [Chinese] the stored water 2,4
Jiuhe μ Her jiŭ Hé [Chinese] the nine rivers 2,4
Jixin κ Gem jī xīn [Chinese] the piled-up firewood 2,4
Jixiu γ Sgr, δ Sgr, ε Sgr, η Sgr Alnasl (γ), Kaus Australis (ε), Kaus Media (δ) jī xìu [Chinese] the winnowing basket
Jizu η Lup, θ Lup jī zú [Chinese] the group of soldiers
Junjing ι Lep, κ Lep, λ Lep, ν Lep jūn jĭng [Chinese] the military well 2,4
Junnanmen φ And jūn nán mén [Chinese] the southern military gate 2,4
Kabalinan ι Aur al‑ḳaʿb dhiʿl ʿinān [Arabic] the heel of the rein-holder 4,7
Kalbalfird α Cep, β Cep, η Cep Alderamin (α), Alfirk (β) al‑kawākib al‑firḳ [Arabic] the stars of the flock 7
Kalbalrai ρ Cep kalb al‑rāʿī [Arabic] the dog of the shepherd 4,7,9
Kang 45 Oph kāng [Chinese] the chaff
Kapteyn's Star VZ Pic a star with a high proper motion, discovered by J.C. Kapteyn in 1897
Keff al Salsalat ι And kaf al‑musalsala [Arabic] the palm of the chained woman 3
Kepler's Supernova SN 1604 a supernova which was described by J. Kepler in 1604
Kissin UU Com φύλλον κισσίνου [Greek] the ivy leaf 4,7
Koleon μ Ari [Coptic] the belly 4
Krzemiński's Star V779 Cen an x-ray binary star, discovered by W. Krzemiński in 1974
Kuma ν Dra 5
Kursi al Jabbar γ Lep kursīy al‑jabbār [Arabic] the chair of the giant 4,7
Kursi al Jauzah β Eri, λ Eri, ψ Eri, τ Her Cursa (β) kursī al‑jawzāʾ al‑muqaddam [Arabic] the front footstool of al‑Jawzāʾ 4,7,8,9
Kurud θ Col, κ Col Elkurud (θ) al‑kurud [Arabic] the apes 4,7
Kuton δ Psc, ζ Psc Revati (ζ) [Coptic] the cord 4,7
Kuwano's Object, Kuwano-Honda Object PU Vul an eclipsing symbiotic binary star, discovered by Y. Kuwano in 1979 with a pre-discovery detection by M. Honda in 1978
Langjiang 31 Com láng jiāng [Chinese] the captain of the bodyguards 2,4
Liesi σ Ser, λ Oph Marfik (λ) liè sì [Chinese] the jewel market 2,4
Ligong ι Peg, λ Peg, μ Peg, ο Peg, τ Peg, υ Peg Alkarab (υ), Sadalbari (μ), Salm (τ) lí gōng [Chinese] the resting place 2,4
Lingtai χ Leo, 58 Leo, 59 Leo líng tái [Chinese] the astronomical observatory 2,4
Lisan al Shudja δ Hya lisan al‑shujāʿ [Arabic] the tongue of the snake 3
Luyten's Star GJ 273 a star with a high proper motion, discovered by W.J. Luyten and E.G. Ebbinghausen in 1935
Manica 6 Ori manica [Latin] the protecting gauntlet 4,7
Marfak θ Cas al‑marfiq [Arabic] the elbow 4,7
Menkar λ Cet al‑mankhirān [Arabic] the nostrils 4
Merkeb κ Pup markab [Arabic] something to ride 4
Minazal δ Hya, ε Hya, ζ Hya, η Hya, ρ Hya Ashlesha (ε) min al‑azʿal [Arabic] belonging to the uninhabited spot 4,7
Mingtang τ Leo, υ Leo, 87 Leo míng táng [Chinese] the cosmological temple 2
Minkar α Crv, ε Crv Alchiba (α) al‑minkhar al‑ghurāb [Arabic] the beak of the raven 4,5,7
Minkarasad κ Leo al‑mankhirān al‑asad [Arabic] the nose of the lion 4,7
Mirfek al Djathih  al Aisr μ Her al‑mirfaq ul‑jāthi lʾaysar [Arabic] the elbow of the kneeler 3
Misam al Thurayya χ Per, h Per al‑miʿṣam al‑thurayyā [Arabic] the wrist next to al‑Thurayyā 4,7,9
Mizan β Tri al‑mīzān [Arabic] the scale-beam 4,7
Mizan Batil θ² Ori, 42 Ori al‑mīzān al‑baṭīl [Arabic] the false scale-beam 4,7
Mrigashirsha λ Ori, φ1–2 Ori Meissa (λ) mṛgaśiraṣa [Sanskrit] the top of the head of the deer 4
Muhlifain γ Cen al‑muḥlifān [Arabic] one of the two objects causing dispute and the swearing of an oath 7,8
Mula κ Sco mūla [Sanskrit] the foundation or root 4,7
Namalsadirah ζ Sgr, σ Sgr, τ Sgr, φ Sgr, χ Sgr Ascella (ζ), Nunki (σ) al‑naʿām al‑ṣādir [Arabic] the returning ostriches 4,7,9
Namalwarid γ Sgr, δ Sgr, ε Sgr, η Sgr Alnasl (γ), Kaus Australis (ε), Kaus Media (δ) al‑naʿām al‑wārid [Arabic] the drinking ostriches 4,7,9
Nanhai ξ Ser nán hăi [Chinese] the southern sea 2,4
Nanmen α Cen, ε Cen Rijil Kentaurus (α) nán mén [Chinese] the southern gate 2,4
Nasak Shamiya γ Her, β Ser, γ Ser al‑nasaq al‑shaʾāmī [Arabic] the northern boundary of the pasture 4,7,9
Nasak Yamani δ Ser, ε Ser al‑nasaq al‑yamānī [Arabic] the southern boundary of the pasture 4,7,9
Nasr Alwaki ζ1–2 Lyr al‑nasr al‑wāqiʿ [Arabic] the swooping vulture 4,7
Navi γ Cas 'Ivan' spelled backwards named for Apollo 1 astronaut Virgil Ivan 'Gus' Grissom 7,8
Neiping ν Vir, ξ Vir, ο Vir, π Vir nèi píng [Chinese] the inner screen 2,4
Niuxiu α² Cap, β Cap, ξ² Cap, ο Cap, π Cap, ρ Cap Algedi (α²), Dabih (β) niú xiù [Chinese] the ox mansion 2,4
Nucatai ν Gem al‑nuḥātaiʾ [Arabic] the hump of the camel 4,7
Nuchuang π Her, ρ Her, 69 Her nŭ chuáng [Chinese] the bed of the woman 2
Pearce's Star AO Cas a possible contact binary star, discovered by J.A. Pearce in 1926
Perrson's Star V733 Cep an FU Orionis-type pre-main-sequence star, discovered by R. Perrson in 2004
Pherkad Minor 11 UMi al‑farqad / minor [Arabic/Latin] the calf 1,4,7
Pherkard 11 UMi al‑farqad [Arabic] the calf 4,5
Piazzi's Flying Star 61 Cyg a star with a high proper motion, discovered by G. Piazzi in 1803
Pili β Psc, γ Psc, θ Psc, ι Psc, ω Psc Fumalsamakah (β) pī lì [Chinese] the thunderbolt 2,4
Ping γ Hya, π Hya píng [Chinese] the judging 2
Ping ε Lep, μ Lep píng [Chinese] the screen 2,4
Pingdao θ Vir, 82 Vir píng dào [Chinese] the flat road 2,4
Plaskett's Star V640 Mon a massive binary star, discovered by J.S. Plaskett in 1921
Popper's Extreme Helium Star V481 Cen a helium star, discovered by D.M. Popper in 1942
Primus Asellus θ Boo primus asellus [Latin] the first ass 4,7
Przybylski's Star V816 Cen a star in which holmium was first detected, discovered by A. Przybylski in 1960
Pushya γ Cnc, δ Cnc, θ Cnc Assellus Australis (δ), Asselus Borealis (γ) puṣya [Sanskrit] the nourisher 4
Qi χ Cap [Chinese] an ancient Chinese state 2
Qi 112 Her [Chinese] an ancient Chinese state 2
Qigong δ Boo, μ¹ Boo, ν¹ Boo, τ Her, φ Her, χ Her, 42 Her Alkalurops (μ¹) qī gōng [Chinese] the seven excellencies 2,4
Qin δ Ser Qín [Chinese] an ancient Chinese state 2,4
Qizhenjiangjun κ¹ Lup qí zhèn jāng jūn [Chinese] the chariot and cavalry general
Rabah al Nahr ω Eri rabaʿ [Arabic] the fourth [star in the] river 3
Rabah al Waridah η Sgr rabaʿ al‑naʿām al‑wārid [Arabic] the fourth drinking ostrich 3
Rana Secunda δ Eri Rana rana secunda [Latin] the second frog 1,5,7
Rasalasad Australis ε Leo raʾas al‑asad [Arabic/Latin] the southern part of the head of the lion 1,4,5
Rasalnaqa ι And, κ And, λ And, ψ And raʾas al‑nāqa [Arabic] the head of the female camel 9
Regor γ Vel 'Roger' spelled backwards named for Apollo 1 astronaut Roger Bruce Chaffee 7,8
Rekbet al Djathih  al Aisr θ Her ar‑rukbah ul‑jāthi lʾaysar [Arabic] the knee of the kneeler 3
Revenante of the Swan P Cyg the returning star of Cygnus 4,7
Ri κ Lib [Chinese] the sun 2,4
Rigilawwa μ Vir rijl al‑ʿawwāʾ [Arabic] the foot of the barker 3,4,7
Roberts‑Altizer Variable CP Dra an SU Ursae Majoris-type dwarf nova, discovered by D. Roberts in 1913 and rediscovered by R.J. Altizer in 1972
Rosino's Object, Rosino‑Zwicky Object AL Com an SW Sagittae-type dwarf nove, discovered by L. Rosino in 1961 and rediscovered by F. Zwicky in 1965
Ruchba ω² Cyg rukbat al‑dajāja [Arabic] the knee of the hen 4,7
Sadalmatar ο Peg saʿd al‑maṭar [Arabic] the lucky star of the rain 4,7,9
Sadalmulk α Aqr, ο Aqr Sadalmelik (α) saʿd al‑malik [Arabic] the lucky star of the king 4,7,9
Sadalnazi λ Peg saʿd al‑nāziʿ [Arabic] the lucky star of the camel striving to get to pasture 4,7
Sadr al Kaitos ε Cet, π Cet, ρ Cet, σ Cet ṣadr al‑qayṭus [Arabic] the breast of Cetus 4,7
Sadr al Thaur λ Tau ṣadr al‑thawr [Arabic] the breast of the bull 3
Saif al Jabbar η Ori saif al‑jabbār [Arabic] the sword of the giant 4,7
Saik η Oph sāīḳ [Arabic] the driver 4,7
Sakurai's Object V434 Sgr a thermal pulse object, discovered by Y. Sakurai in 1996
Sanduleak‑Pesch Binary WD 1704+481 a trinary white dwarf system, discovered by N. Sanduleak and P. Pesche in 1982
Sanduleak's Star 2MASS J05451956-7116067 a star with the largest stellar jet yet detected, discovered by N. Sanduleak in 1977
Schemali ι Cet al‑shaʾāmī [Arabic] northern 4,7
Scholz's Star WISE J072003.20-084651.2 a star which passed through the Oort cloud 70,000 years ago, discovered by R.-D. Scholz in 2013
Seat π Aqr 4,7
Secunda Giedi α¹ Cap secunda / al‑jady [Latin/Arabic] the second kid 1,4,7
Secundus Asellus ι Boo secundus asellus [Latin] the second ass 4,7
Shangcheng BK Cam shàng chéng [Chinese] the first prime minister 2,4
Shangjiang σ Leo shàng jiàng [Chinese] the first western general 2,4
Shangwei 43 Cam shàng wèi [Chinese] the first imperial guard 2,4
Shangzai θ Dra shàng zăi [Chinese] the first premier 2,4
Shaobi υ Dra bhào Bì [Chinese] the second minister
Shaofu 24 UMa shào fŭ [Chinese] the second minister 2
Shaowei α Cam shào wèi [Chinese] the second imperial guard 2,4
Shaowei κ Dra shào wèi [Chinese] the second chief judge 2
Shaowei π Dra shào wèi [Chinese] the second imperial guard
Shi μ Col shĭ [Chinese] the excrement 2,4
Shuzi 5 UMi shù zĭ [Chinese] the son of the concubine 2
Sifei γ Equ, δ Equ sī fēi [Chinese] the judge of right and wrong 2
Siwei β Equ, 9 Equ sī wēi [Chinese] the judge of disaster and good fortune 2,4
Sneden's Star BPS CS 22892-052 an ancient star with an overabundance of heavy elements, identified by C. Sneden with others in 1994
Stepanian's Star LX Ser an SW Sextantis-type cataclysmic eclipsing binary star, discovered by J.A. Stepanian in 1979
Stephenson‑Sanduleak Object SS 433 the prototype microquasar, discovered by N. Sanduleak and C.B. Stephenson in 1977
Sterope Ⅱ 22 Tau Στερόπη [Greek] the name of one of the Pleiades 4,6,7,8
Suudalnujam ξ Peg al‑suʿūd al‑najūm [Arabic] the lucky stars 4,7
Tais δ Dra, ε Dra, π Dra, ρ Dra Altais (δ) al‑tinnīn [Arabic] the serpent 4,7
Taizi 93 Leo tài zĭ [Chinese] the crown prince 2
Taizun ψ UMa tài zūn [Chinese] the royals 4
Tali al Shaulah μ1–2 Sco tāliʿ al‑shawla [Arabic] that which follows the raised tail 2,4,7
Teegarden's Star SO 025300.5+165258 a star with a high proper motion, discovered by B.J. Teegarden in 2003
Tertius Asellus κ1–2 Boo tertius asellus [Latin] the third ass 4,7
Thabit υ Ori al‑thābit [Arabic] the endurer 4,7
Thail 49 And al‑dhail [Arabic] the train of the garment 4,7
Thalath al Naamet τ Cet al‑thālitha al‑naʿām [Arabic] the third ostrich 3
Thanih ad Adzari ο² CMa al‑thānī al‑ʿadhārii [Arabic] the second maiden 3
Thanih al Naamet θ Cet al‑thānī al‑naʿām [Arabic] the second ostrich 3
Thiba γ Boo, δ Boo, μ Boo Alkalurops (μ), Seginus (γ) al‑dhiʾbān [Arabic] the wolves 4,7
Tianchan 42 Per tiān chán [Chinese] the celestial slander
Tiangang δ PsA tiān gāng [Chinese] the celestial headrope 2,4
Tianjiu θ And, ρ And, σ And tiān jiù [Chinese] the celestial stable 2
Tianqiang θ Boo, ι Boo, κ Boo tiān qiāng [Chinese] the celestial spear 2,4
Tianru μ Ser tiān rŭ [Chinese] the celestial milk
Tiantian τ Vir, 78 Vir tiān tián [Chinese] the celestial fields 2,4
Tianyu β For, ν For, ω For tiān yŭ [Chinese] the piles of grain 2,4
Trapezium θ¹ Ori trapezium [Latin] the four-sided figure 4,7
Tusi 98 Her, 109 Her tú sì [Chinese] the butcher shops 2,4
Tycho's Supernova SN 1572 a supernova which was described by Tycho Brahe in 1572
Tyl ε Dra 5,7
Udra ο¹ CMa al‑ʿudhra al‑jawzāʾ [Arabic] the maidenhood of al‑Jawzāʾ 4,7,9
Ukdah τ1–2 Hya, 33 Hya al‑ʿuqdah [Arabic] the knot 4,7
Vanant ι² Sco [Persian] the stinger 4,7
Van Biesbroeck's Star V1428 Aql a low-luminosity star, discovered by G.-A. Van Biesbroeck in 1944
van Maanen's Star GJ 35 the nearest solitary white dwarf to the Sun, discovered by A. van Maanen in 1917
Variablis Coronae R CrB variablis Coronae [Latin] the variable star in the constellation Corona Borealis 4,7
Vishakha α² Lib, β Lib, γ Lib, ι Lib Zubenelgenubi (α²), Zubenelhakrabi (γ), Zubeneschemali (β) viśākha [Sanskrit] branched or forked 4
Waiping α Psc, δ Psc, ε Psc, ζ Psc, μ Psc, ν Psc, ξ Psc Alrescha (α), Revati (ζ) wài píng [Chinese] the outer screen 2,4
Wangliang α Cas, β Cas, η Cas, κ Cas, λ Cas Achird (η), Caph (β), Schedar (α) Wáng Liáng [Chinese] named for a demon from Chinese mythology 2,4
Wasat al Achbiya π Aqr wasṭ al‑khibāʾ [Arabic] the middle tent 3
Wei 33 Cap Wèi [Chinese] an ancient Chinese state
Weixiu 35 Ari, 39 Ari, 41 Ari Bharani (41), Lilii Borea (39) wèi xiù [Chinese] the stomach mansion
Xiang 5 CVn xiàng [Chinese] the prime minister
Xicijiang ι Leo xī cì jiàng [Chinese] the second western general 2,4
Xixian η Lib, θ Lib, 48 Lib, ξ Sco xī xián [Chinese] the western door 2,4
Xizhong θ Cyg, ι² Cyg, κ² Cyg, 16 Cyg Xī Zhòng [Chinese] the legendary Xia dynasty minister who invented the chariot 2
Yan ζ Cap Yān [Chinese] an ancient Chinese state 2,4
Yangmen b Cen, c¹ Cen Yáng Mén [Chinese] the gate of Yang 2
Yeji ν² CMa yĕ jī [Chinese] the wild cockerel
Yezhe 16 Vir yè zhĕ [Chinese] the usher of the court 2
Yousheti η Boo, τ Boo, υ Boo Muphrid (η) yòu shè tí [Chinese] the right conductor 2,4
Yue 19 Cap Yuè [Chinese] an ancient Chinese state
Yue 37 Tau yuè [Chinese] the moon 2
Yujing β Eri, λ Eri, ψ Eri, τ Ori Cursa (β) yù jĭng [Chinese] the jade well 2,4
Zaofu δ Cep, ζ Cep, λ Cep, μ Cep, ν Cep Garnet Star (μ) Zào Fù [Chinese] named for a charioteer who lived three millenia ago 2,4
Zheng 20 Cap Zhèng [Chinese] an ancient Chinese state
Zheng γ Ser Zhèng [Chinese] an ancient Chinese state 4
Zhinu α Lyr, ε¹ Lyr, ζ¹ Lyr Vega (α) zhī nŭ [Chinese] the weaving girl 2,4
Zhongshan ο Her Zhōng Shēn [Chinese] the ancient Chinese state
Zhou β Ser Zhōu [Chinese] a Chinese dynasty 2,4
Zhouding β Com, 37 Com, 41 Com Zhōu Dĭng [Chinese] the tripod of the Zhou dynasty 2,4
Zhushi φ Dra zhù shĬ [Chinese] the official of the royal archives 2
Zixiu λ Ori, φ1–2 Ori Meissa (λ) zī xiù [Chinese] the turtle beak mansion 2,4
Zong 110 Her, 111 Her zōng [Chinese] the patriarchal clan
Zongren 66 Oph, 67 Oph, 68 Oph, 70 Oph zōng rén [Chinese] the official for religious ceremonies
Zubanah ι Cnc al‑zubānayā [Arabic] the claws 4,7
Zuban al Kravi η Lib zubān al‑ʿaqrab [Arabic] the claws of the scorpion 4,7
Zuben Elakribi δ Lib zubānā al‑ʿaqrab [Arabic] the claws of the scorpion 5
Zuben Hakrabi ν Lib zubānā al‑ʿaqrab [Arabic] the claws of the scorpion 7
Zubra 72 Leo al‑zubra [Arabic] the mane 7
Zuosheti ζ Boo, ο Boo, π¹ Boo zuŏ shè tí [Chinese] the left conductor 2,4
Zuoxia η Crv zuŏ xiá [Chinese] the left linchpin 2,4


Most of the derivations and meanings of the star names listed above are taken from Adams, Allen, Davis, and Kunitzsch and Smart. Modern Chinese transliterations and meanings are taken from Wikipedia: Chinese Star Names. Corrections are always welcome.

  1. Guiseppe Piazzi, Praecipuarum Stellarum Inerrantium Positiones Mediae Ineunte Saeculo ⅩⅨ (1814)
  2. John Reeves, "Chinese Names of Stars and Constellations", Dictionary of the Chinese Language in Three Parts: Part Ⅱ — Volume Ⅰ by Robert Morrison (1819)
  3. Edward Ball Knobel, "On a Catalogue of Stars in the Calendarium of Mohammad Al Achsasi Al Mouakket", Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 55, 429–438 (1895)
  4. Richard Hinkley Allen, Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning (Dover reprint) (1963)
  5. Antonín Bečvář, Atlas of the Heavens — Ⅱ Catalogue 1950.0 (1964)
  6. George A. Davis, Jr, Pronunications, Derivations, and Meanings of a Selected List of Star Names (1971)
  7. Jack W. Rhoads, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Technical Memorandum 33-507: A Reduced Star Catalog Containing 537 Named Stars (1971)
  8. Paul Kunitzsch and Tim Smart, A Dictionary of Modern Star Names (Second Revised Edition) (2006)
  9. Danielle K. Adams, Rain Stars Set, Lunar Stations Rise: Multivalent Textures of Pre-Islamic Arabian Astronomy and the Hegemonic Discourse of Order (PhD dissertation) (2018)